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  • Pure English:Be still 片刻停留,片刻自我


  • 每天都是幸运日 Every Day is a Lucky Day

        I teach economics at unlv three times per week. last monday, at the beginning of class, i cheerfully asked my students how their weekend h...

  • Detour to romance 曲折的浪漫路

        哎呀,老天爷你就从来没到这个车站来过?他指向杂志摊。我一直就在那儿。那个摊儿是我的。我看过每个上楼的人。 她的脸色开始变得有些苍白。过了一...

  • Somewhere only you know 属于你的温柔乡


  • Success: 如何获得双倍成功机会

        If you shoot for the stars, youll at least hit the moon. Want to reach your goals for next month? Heres the best way to do it. Lets say yo...

  • 美文欣赏:Just friends 只是朋友


  • A coke and a smile 可乐与微笑


  • 有关“自信”的一些英语名言

        1.You have to be first, best or different. Loretta Lynn 你只能是第一,或者最好,或者与众不同的。 2.Confidence doesn't need any specific re...

  • 今天不必以往:如何不断超越自我

        As a society, were obsessed with achievement. But what happens once youre considered objectively successful, with a great salary and a job...

  • To break bad habits 如何改掉坏习惯


  • 双语美文:需要你鼓励的三种人

        I can live for two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twain words are powerful. they can create or they can destroy. they have the power ...

  • 感恩的双手:Thanksgiving Day

        感恩节临近了,有位一年级老师给班上的学生布置了一项有趣的作业画出他们想感谢的东西。 考试大论坛 当孩子们接着做其它作业时,老师在道格拉斯的桌...

  • Love is action 爱在不言中


  • 美文赏析:Love of Life 热爱生命

        That day he decreased the distance between him and the ship by three miles; the next day by two-for he was crawling now as Bill had crawl...

  • 励志美文:成功源于积极的习惯

        The single most important factor that contributes to success is what you do every single day. It is as simple as that. You habits will det...

  • The whisper 让我轻声鼓励你


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